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Winter Program

Guest Speakers

Tyrone Atkins, Writer

Rick Benson, Commercial Producer

Timothy Blake, Director

Anne Carey, Senior V.P. Development

Russell Carpenter, A.S.C., Director of Photography

Candace Chatman, Eastman Kodak

Lee Cole, Set Designer

Jerry Collamer, Director

Justin Connolly, Talent Agent

Aaron Courselaut, Writer

Allen Daviau, A.S.C., Director of Photography

Larry Durand, Cinematographer

Scott Greenberg, Agent

Rand Holston, Talent Agent

Ted Hope, Executive Producer

Ron Horwitz, Sound Editing Supervisor

HUM Music & Sound Design

Ross Katz, V.P. Production

Howard Koch, Jr., Producer

Scott Landis, Talent Agent

Bart Lipton, Producer

Nick LoCasale, Independent Filmmaker

Pancho Mansfield, Senior Vice President Development, Showtime

Rafael Orozco, Production Manager

Sunmin Park, Producer/Writer

Tony Plana, Actor & Director

Alfredo Ramos, Writer & Director

Joe Revitte, Feature Acquisitions

Mary Margaret Robinson, Production Designer

T.E. Russell, Actor

Mark Rydell, Director

Nancy Sackett, Screenwriter

Jay Sandrich, Director

Tom Seidman, First Assistant Director

Larry Shapiro, New Media Agent

John Sloss, Executive Producer

Patrick Stettner, Director

Patrick Strong, Acting Coach

Oskar Toruno, Independent Filmmaker

Bill Varney, Head of Post-production Sound, Universal Studios

Bernie West, Writer

Steve Williams, Postproduction Sound Supervisor

Billy Wirth, Director/Writer/Actor

John Woo, Director


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